Common AWTS Problems in Victoria and How to Solve Them

Owning an Aerated Wastewater Treatment System (AWTS) in Victoria is a smart investment in sustainable wastewater management. However, like any system, AWTS units may encounter issues that can impact their efficiency. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll address some of the most prevalent problems faced by septic tank owners in Victoria and provide practical solutions to ensure your AWTS operates smoothly, tailored for the average consumer in the region.


Odor Emissions:

Problem: Unpleasant odors around your AWTS can be a common concern.

Solution: Regularly check for leaks, ensure the venting system is functioning correctly, and maintain a proper balance of beneficial bacteria in the system. Consider using septic-safe deodorizers to neutralize odors.

Domestic Wastewater Treatment

Slow Draining Fixtures:

Problem: If sinks, toilets, or drains are slow to empty, it could indicate a system issue.

Solution: Check for blockages in pipes, inspect the septic tank for sludge buildup, and schedule professional pump-outs as needed. Avoid disposing of non-biodegradable items into the system.

Alarm Activation:

Problem: AWTS alarms can be triggered by various issues, signaling a problem with the system.

Solution: Refer to the system manual to identify the specific issue indicated by the alarm. Common reasons include power outages, high water usage, or a malfunctioning component. If unsure, seek professional assistance.

Effluent Ponding:

Problem: Pools of treated effluent surfacing in the yard or drain field can indicate drainage issues.

Solution: Inspect the drain field for compaction or clogs. Ensure proper landscaping to prevent surface water runoff from reaching the drain field. Address any soil or grading issues to promote efficient absorption.

Electrical Failures:

Problem: If the aeration unit or other electrical components fail, it can disrupt the treatment process.

Solution: Regularly inspect electrical components for wear or damage. Ensure a reliable power source and consult a qualified electrician for repairs. Consider surge protection to safeguard against power fluctuations.

Excessive Water Usage:

Problem: Overuse of water can overwhelm the system, leading to reduced treatment efficiency.

Solution: Implement water-saving practices, fix leaks promptly, and distribute water usage throughout the day. Educate household members about the importance of mindful water use.

Plant and Tree Root Intrusion:

Problem: The roots of nearby plants or trees may intrude into the AWTS components.

Solution: Plan landscaping with the system in mind, keeping plants and trees away from critical components. Regularly inspect for root intrusion and address issues promptly to prevent damage.

Freezing Components in Winter:

Problem: Cold temperatures in Victoria can lead to freezing of exposed pipes and components.

Solution: Insulate exposed pipes and components to protect them from freezing. Consider heat tape for added protection. Consult with professionals if you experience persistent freezing issues.

Inadequate Treatment:

Problem: If the effluent quality is not meeting standards, it can pose environmental risks.

Solution: Schedule professional inspections to assess the treatment process. Adjust aeration settings, ensure proper bacterial balance, and avoid overloading the system with harsh chemicals.

Regulatory Compliance Issues:

Problem: Changes in local regulations may impact the compliance of your AWTS.

Solution: Stay informed about regulatory updates in Victoria. Periodically review your AWTS against the latest standards. Seek professional assistance to bring your system into compliance if needed.

Owning an AWTS in Victoria comes with its share of challenges, but with proactive maintenance and timely solutions, you can address these common problems effectively. Regular inspections, proper usage practices, and a commitment to staying informed about your system will contribute to the long-term efficiency of your AWTS. If you encounter persistent issues or are unsure about any aspect of your system, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance. By addressing issues promptly and implementing preventive measures, you can enjoy a trouble-free experience with your AWTS, contributing to a sustainable and environmentally conscious lifestyle in Victoria.

For a Free Quote and Sizing on all Septic Tanks Made in Australia call the team at Eco-Septic on 1800 808 135